December 30th TTS presents our first online concert stream supporting Cass Tech student performers
The Triangle Society in partnership with Everything Evrod Entertainment and sponsor The Detroit Association of Black Organizations (DABO) presents an online concert experience spotlighting Cass Tech student performers.
Join us for an exciting Facebook Live event celebrating the legacy of Cass Technical High School as we come Together In Music. Enjoy performances from talented CT students with a special performance from WDIV News Anchor Evrod Cassimy.
Our inaugural online concert event is dedicated to the memory of a great CT supporter, loyal public servant and legend of the Cass Tech legacy, the distinguished Cass Tech alumni Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon. His presence will always be missed but his contribution to the rich legacy of Cass Technical High School will never be forgotten.

Celebrate the Cass Tech legacy and support The Triangle Society's mission to enhance teaching, stimulate learning and heighten opportunities for Cass Tech students by making a tax deductible donation. Text "GIVE" to 313-217-4176

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